Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Obama Legacy: Food Stamps

Someone mentioned how for the remainder of his presidency, President Obama is focusing on his legacy. That legacy should definitely include the number of Americans who have grown dependent on the government. Just look at how many Americans are receiving food stamps, and for how long. Who knows, he’s probably proud of it.

The number of beneficiaries of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, has exceeded 45 million for 48 straight months, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In April 2015, the latest month from which data is available, there were 45,438,832 beneficiaries of the food stamp program.

The number of food stamp recipients first exceeded 45 million in May 2011. (Read More)

That’s some legacy. Expect more of the same if Hillary Clinton manages to win in 2016.


The Lonely Conservative

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