Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Video: Ralph Peters Blasts Obama’s “False Humanitarianism” In Iraq

Lt. Col Ralph Peters (ret) appeared on Fox News, this morning to talk about the lackluster U.S. air campaign in Iraq – where 75% of our pilots are returning to base without dropping any ordnance at all due to the delays in decision-making process.

Last week, a former U.S. Air Force general who has led air campaigns over Iraq and Afghanistan, placed the blame for the failure right on the White House front steps. Due to Obama’s micromanagement the campaign, the process for ordering strikes has been so slow that the enemy is frequently allowed to escape.

"You're talking about hours in some cases, which by that time the particular tactical target left the area and or the aircraft has run out of fuel. These are excessive procedures that are handing our adversary an advantage," said retired Lt. Gen. David Deptula, a former director of the Combined Air Operations Center in Afghanistan in 2001.

"The ultimate guidance rests in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," he said. "We have been applying air power like a rain shower or a drizzle — for it to be effective, it needs to be applied like a thunderstorm."

“It’s false humanitarianism,” Peters told Bill Hemmer on America’s Newsroom. “Let’s apply simple logic. In our refusal to accept hundreds of civilian deaths in Syria and Iraq in air strikes, we condemn millions of people in the Middle East to live under the tyranny of the Islamic State.”

“Warfare will never be perfectly clean,” Peters continued. “Now, we had a problem with over-worrying about civilian casualties in the Bush administration – but it’s become a mania with the Obama administration.”

“You heard Josh Earnest talking about two civilian casualties in November – and suddenly we have to put the breaks on our airstrikes? Against a ruthless, fanatical, uncompromising enemy like the Islamic State militants? – If you elevate worries about civilian deaths and casualties above the will to win, you will lose – and we are losing,” Peters said.

Nice Deb

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