Monday, June 29, 2015

Greatest Hits: Top 400 Wage Earners Paid More in Taxes Than the Bottom Half! Leftist Meme Shattered


Top 400 Wage Earners Paid More in Taxes Than the Bottom Half! Leftist Meme Shattered- So much for the mythical 1%! 

If you listen to the occupods, the mythical 99% are being completely fleeced by the equally mythical 1%.  Class warfare is a stubborn thing, but reality always wins in the end.  Bunkerville has the meme bustage…

Just thought this would be a factoid worthy to report. Reality can be difficult to deal with. Not mentioned is not only do the non-payers not pay, but get money back from the 400. I don't think 400 come to  "The one percent" do you?

Bottom Line: A small group of 400 of America's most successful earners in 2009, about the number of residents living in a typical apartment building in Washington, D.C., paid almost as much in federal income taxes as the entire bottom half of America's 138 million tax filers, which is a population equivalent to the combined number of residents living in America's 29 least populated states, plus the District of Columbia.

We hear all the time that the "rich don't pay their fair share of taxes" (123,000 Google search results for that phrase).  Here's an analysis using recent IRS data that suggests otherwise.

Get over to his place to see more, including a handy graph.

Um, how to we get these people to pay, "their fair share," when they're already paying more than 138,000,000 people already?  Or, is this just another liberal scam to vilify success and install communism?  I think you all know the answer to that.

Of course, under a Marxist regime, the 400 would be put to death, as well as a few million of the 138,000,000, but if you want to make an omelette, you have to break some eggs, right?


Conservative Hideout 2.0

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