Saturday, June 27, 2015

Carly Fiorina Gains Ground

A recent poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News found that a handful of Republican presidential candidates have seen an increase in support but one of the the biggest jumps went to Carly Fiorina:

GOP 2016 Hopefuls Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee Gain Ground in WSJ/NBC News Poll

Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina all gained significant ground with Republican primary voters in the weeks since they announced their candidacy for the party's presidential nomination, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul moved in the opposite direction over the same period, with the share of likely GOP primary voters who said they could see themselves backing him falling from 59% in late April to 49% in mid-June. The decline came as Mr. Paul battled fellow Republicans over his effort to end the National Security Agency's bulk collection of phone records…

The biggest movers in the new survey were Ms. Fiorina and Messrs. Carson and Huckabee.

The share of Republican primary voters who said they were open to supporting Ms. Fiorina, a former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Co., jumped from 17% in April to 31% in June, about even with the 29% who said they weren’t open to supporting her.

Fiorina was a guest on the Sean Hannity show Friday night and was offered one minute to make the case for her candidacy to the American people:

As Fiorina’s prospects rise, so do her chances of being included in the top tier Republican debates, and she’s campaigning aggressively for that opportunity.

David Jackson of USA Today:

Fiorina: Get me on the GOP debate stage, I’ll take on Clinton

Republican candidate Carly Fiorina campaigned not just for the presidency on Saturday, but for the right to get on the debate stage with her GOP opponents.

The first GOP debate must include someone "who will not be afraid to throw punches all night," Fiorina told a forum of religious and social conservatives.

Fiorina could be excluded from the first debate set for Aug. 6 in Cleveland; given such a large Republican field, Fox News is restricting the encounter to candidates who are in the top 10 of an aggregate of national polls.

The only woman in the GOP contest, Fiorina told members of the Faith & Freedom Coalition that she is in a unique position to attack the likely Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Clinton must not be president, Fiorina told the supportive crowd, because "she is not trustworthy — she lacks a track record of leadership."

Here is the full Hannity interview:

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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