More on the Fate of Useful Idiots–Funny thing is that out social justice warriors will never see it coming…
After republishing Yuri Bezmenov's videos, I decided to see if there were more. I found another that expands on destablization.
Disclaimer: Conjecture follows
What sticks out for me is how very well this all compares to what is happening now. There have been outside influences "inserted" into our society. Whether it is Move On, Think Regress, organized labor, the organizations formerly known as ACORN, Common Cause, ACLU, SPLC, and so on, all are designed to disrupt and destroy our Republic. These organizations are causing disorder, and are simply making our free society increasingly impossible to function. Any of the organizations might create, invent, or otherwise exploit class differences, attack our culture and values, smear people that resist or expose them, cause businesses, systems, or communities to fail…the list goes on and on. And then, as Bezmenov points out, the accumulated damage caused by these efforts brings the nation to crisis. We are rapidly approaching that point.
Additionally, our government is actively pursuing these same ends. From the Department of Education, to the EPA, our own government is engaging in endless "Cloward-Piven" strategies. While, on the surface, they are trying to "nudge" us into what they have deemed to be the "correct" way to live, can we also say they these strategies are also pushing us into crisis? And if it is crisis that they seek, is not more power the end-goal? Is not a result that more and more people are now dependent on government? As the video points out, how many people are asking for more government to "solve" the problems that government caused in the fist place?
Where the video does show it's age is in the idea of "sleepers." Obviously, since the Soviet Union is no more, there are no more sleepers. However, there is no longer a need for these, as the Marxists/fascists/"progressives" operate in the open, and are self perpetuating. From many public school teachers, to the Marxist professor, to the talking heads on MSNBC, to a host of actors, producers, pundits, and community organizers, there results a massive propaganda/indoctrination machine for producing more useful idiots. And, the beauty of it is that the useful idiots are blissfully unaware that they are being used. Unfortunately for them, as Bezmenov points out, they will never catch on until they're being put up against a wall, if they even earn the courtesy of that.
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