For her heroic resistance to expansionist Islam, Pamela Geller is already marked for death by Muslims. Looks like the progressive Southern Poverty Law Center thinks she shouldn’t be alone:
Now the SPLC, which has conducted diversity training for the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ), is targeting female bloggers, activists and television personalities who refuse to comply with Sharia law which is rooted in the Quran. The European Court on Human rights has repeatedly ruled that Sharia is "incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy" yet politically-connected radical Muslim groups—such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—keep pushing to implement it in the United States and the movement has gained steam.
Among those resisting this effort publicly are the high-profile women being targeted by the SPLC. Some of them are colleagues or friends of Judicial Watch and now they must fear for their safety simply for practicing their rights under the U.S. Constitution. The new hate list is titled Women Against Islam/The Dirty Dozen and includes illustrations and detailed information on all the women, who are branded "the core of the anti-Muslim radical right." The new SPLC hate brochure further targets them by claiming that they're "a dozen of the most hardline anti-Muslim women activists in America."
In addition to Pamela Geller,
Blogger Ann Barnhardt is identified as one of the "most extreme Muslim-bashers in the United States" and radio talk-show host Laura Ingram made the list for saying that hundreds of millions of Muslims were delighted that 12 people were massacred by Islamic terrorists in the Paris headquarters of a satirical magazine. Former CIA agent Clare Lopez, who runs a Washington D.C. think-tank focusing on national security issues, made the list for saying that the Muslim Brotherhood has "infiltrated and suborned the U.S. government to actively assist…the mission of its grand jihad."
Others appearing on the anti-Sharia docket include television personality and former judge and prosecutor Jeanine Pirro, former chairwoman of the Texas Republican Party Cathie Adams, talk-show host Sandy Rios of the American Family Association, syndicated columnist Diana West, attorney and columnist Debbie Schlussel, blogger Cathy Hinners, ACT! for America founder Brigitte Gabriel and conservative writer and TV personality Ann Coulter.
For all intents and purposes, this is a hit list. How’s that for a war on women?
America’s internal and external enemies have common interests. That’s why we have the moonbat—Muslim alliance.
On tips from Ben S, Stormfax, and Bodhisattva.
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