I just posted Rod Eccles’ article about how liberals make him want to hit himself with a sledgehammer. That’s sort of the feeling I got when I heard how warmly the self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has been received as he kicks off his presidential campaign. Oh, sure, he says he’s for the European form of socialism, but who’s to say he wouldn’t bring us the Venezuelan style of socialism where the government is hijacking businesses and the people can’t even get their hands on toilet paper?
Bernie Sanders is coming on as a presidential contender, while polls show surprisingly large parts of the public look favorably on the socialism he espouses. The public apparently has forgotten socialism’s record.
For years, Sanders, an avowed, unapologetic socialist, was viewed as an anomaly of U.S. political life, an eccentric whose atypical ideology reflected the supposed quirkiness of his home state of Vermont.
Now that’s changed, and with Democrats worried about the scandals surrounding their top candidate, Hillary Clinton, Sanders is attracting ever-bigger audiences on the campaign trail. Polls show him at 15% of the Democratic tally.
Maybe that’s because Sanders is portrayed in the media as “a normal guy” — as a Washington Post headline put it — while liberal media doyen Bill Moyer headlined a [news item “Despite What Corporate Media Tells You, Bernie Sanders’ Positions Are Mainstream.”
In the Huffington Post, Distinguished Professor Peter Dreier of Occidental College, one of Barack Obama’s alma maters, declared, “Bernie Sanders’ Socialism Is as American as Apple Pie.”
Read the whole thing. I guess we can thank our educators, the media and Hollywood for Americans’ failure to fully reject such a dangerous ideology.
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