I have to turn off the computer and go to bed. Seriously, first came the news that President Obama said he’s the most Jewish person to ever sit in the Oval Office, and now this nonsense about the US being more respected than ever before under his leadership. Talk about delusional!
President Obama says he has restored the U.S. as the most respected country in the world — a remark so at odds with facts it begs the question of whether he’s lying, living in a bubble or just delusional.
Speaking before a room full of community leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the president must have flabbergasted them when he said: “The United States is the most respected country on earth.”
According to a Breitbart News report, the president said he re-engaged the world and made partners based on mutual interests and respect. After that, he laid out boilerplate about ending two wars, normalizing ties with Cuba and cutting a deal with Iran.
The only problem with this narrative about winning respect is that it has no basis in reality. In fact, the very opposite is true. (Read More)
Oh, and then this morning on the news they showed a clip of Obama talking about how great the economy is doing. I can’t stand it.
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