One of the sickest jokes on our liberty is the folly that requiring a photo ID to vote is an unfair burden for the voter, and even “racist.” Can you imagine the many people out there who cannot belly up to the bar for a photo, even when most states offer to get you there, and pay for it? People with no respect for the sanctity of one ‘vote, one person,’ can show ID to get into a bar, to buy beer, to fly, as they collect their taxpayer benefits without ID, and sometimes even the need. Knowing that dead people vote should convince us that a photo of a live person should be presented before casting a ballot. Now the US Supreme Court has upheld Wisconsin’s voter ID law, requiring a photo to vote. Oklahoma, it’s time to get this done.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left intact a new Republican-backed law in Wisconsin that requires voters to present photo identification when they cast ballots.
The court declined to hear an appeal filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, which challenged the law. …
A federal judge blocked the state's voter ID law in March 2012 soon after it took effect and entered a permanent injunction in April, finding the measure would deter or prevent a substantial number of voters who lack photo identification from casting ballots, and place an unnecessary burden on the poor and minorities.
The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the decision and subsequently ruled in October that the law was constitutional. Wisconsin's Supreme Court upheld the voter ID law in a separate ruling. Source: Hot Air
Ed Morrissey, writing at Hot Air:
This will put a huge dent in the Obama administration's efforts to squelch voter-ID laws in other states. In order to grant certiorari, the ACLU would have needed four justices to vote to add it to the docket. The fact that they couldn't even move the liberal wing to unite against a voter-ID law shows that the justices consider the issue settled. Requirements for identification at polling stations are legitimate, in the eyes of the court, as long as enough options for no-cost qualifying ID exist to keep the poor from being disenfranchised.
Oklahoma, surely we can get this done. The ladies who hand me my ballot, are fastidious in asking for photo ID, and I have mine in my hand when I walk through the door. If I refused, they would hand me the ballot anyway, but they do require some identification–just following the law. What a great privilege it is to prove that my vote is my vote, and I am entitled to it. Listen-up Oklahoma. Let’s get this done!
Linked at BadBlue, the baddest, uncensored news, 24/7. Read it here.
Linked at YankMcCain – thank you!
Linked at The Lonely Conservative.
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