Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Muslim Woman Oppressed With a Can of Diet Coke

For 1,400 years, Muslims have wished in vain for a weapon that could be used to reduce Western Civilization to whimpering submission. At last they have it: political correctness. All they have to do to in order to assert their dominance over us is constantly find some phony reason to be aggrieved:

Tahera Ahmad said that when she ordered a Diet Coke on the plane, the flight attendant brought her an opened can. Ahmed said she asked for an unopened one because of hygiene concerns but the attendant explained that airline policy prohibits them from serving unopened drinks because they can be used as a weapon.


“I told her that she was clearly discriminating against me because she gave the man next to me an unopened can of beer. She looked at his can, quickly grabbed it and opened it and said, ‘It’s so you don’t use it as a weapon,’” Ahmad explains in a Facebook post. “Appalled at her behavior I asked people around me if they witnessed this discriminatory and disgusting behavior….”

In case that wasn’t enough to raise righteous ire among Muslims and their moonbat allies, Ahmad has further allegations, most likely heavily embellished if not totally fabricated:

At that moment, Ahmad said another passenger stood up and yelled at her to be quiet and “leaned over from his seat, looked me straight in the eyes and said, ‘Yes you know you would use it as a WEAPON so shut the f*** up.’ I felt the hate in his voice and his raging eyes.”

Tell you what, Tahera. If you don’t want people associating you with terrorist violence, why don’t you stop associating yourself with it? Reject Islam. But I’m forgetting: it is only a coincidence that over 26,000 lethal terror attacks happen to have been committed in the name of Islam since 9/11. Mohammad’s bloodthirsty behavior aside, Islam is the Religion of Peace.

A United spokesman told CNN that a flight attendant had tried several times to accommodates Ahmad’s beverage request but that there was a, quote, “misunderstanding.”

The flight attendant will be lucky to keep her job. That will teach her to behave with maximum obsequiousness toward Muslims in the future.


On tips from DJ, RF, and SR. Hat tips: The Last Refuge, Daily Kenn.


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