I am an American–Don expertly explained his view…
I am an American.
I do not believe God tells me to kill all who do not believe in him.
I am an American.
I do not want my government to take my property, the fruit of my labors in order that it might redistribute it to those too lazy to work.
I am an American.
I want the borders of my country secure, so that those who truly want to be here and truly have something to contribute to my country will be welcome.
I am an American.
I do not wish to meddle in the affairs of other countries, except where it directly threatens the safety and security of my country.
I am an American.
I do not want my government interjecting itself into the affairs of private enterprise.
I am an American.
I do not want my government to tell me how to raise my children, or what to feed them.
I am an American.
I do not want my public schools to preach socialism, Communism, Marxism, totalitarianism or any other "ism" save for American-ism to my children. It is about time that we started recognizing our own culture for a change.
I am an American.
I want my children to be able to pray in school.
I am an American.
I do not want my children to have to pay for the excesses and out of control spending brought about by our current pack of politicians.
I am an American.
I want my elected leaders to read, understand and follow the Constitution of the United States of America; to the letter.
I am an American.
I do not want to have to pay 4, 5 or more dollars a gallon for gasoline because some government bureaucrat thinks we need to save the planet.
I am an American.
I do not want my evening news program to give me its slant on the news, even if that slant is one I agree with or not. Just report what happens and let me decide what I think.
I am an American.
I want my elected leaders to be held to a responsible, reasonable, efficient budget because in my everyday life, I can only spend what I bring in, so they should as well.
I am an American.
I do not want my government to tell me that I no longer have the right to bear arms for the safety and security of my home and family.
I am an American.
I want to know that marriage is between one man and one woman. Everything else is a civil union, and those couples should receive the same rights and benefits afforded to married couples.
I am an American.
I believe that when it says our Creator granted us the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that it should extend to ALL Americans; even unborn babies.
I am an American.
I feel that decisions have consequences and that our country would be vastly improved and better off if everyone had to be responsible for their own decisions.
I am an American.
I believe that you have the right to stand up and say whatever you want. And I believe this because so many before us have sacrificed life and limb to give us all that right.
I am an American.
I also believe that if I think there is something wrong with my government, or elected leaders that I can change that at the ballot box, or through speaking out, or by any number of ways protected to me by the 1st Amendment. I do not wish to use violent means, but I will not surrender the safety and security of my family because a politician says I cannot own a firearm.
I am an American.
I believe that God put me in the greatest country on his green earth, and that I want my children to have better, more and bigger opportunities that I have had.
I am an American – and a damn proud one at that.
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