Thursday, June 25, 2015

Going green: Obama and Bill Nye’s Earth Day fuel-fry cost taxpayers a cool million

**Written by Doug Powers

President Obama and Bill Nye the Hypocrite Guy crop-dusted the nation with eco-friendly 747 emissions on Earth Day in order to go try and score a couple of political points in Florida, and taxpayers have received the bill:

President Obama's Earth Day Air Force One flights cost taxpayers with more than $ 800,000, according to newly released documents by Judicial Watch.

The documents, obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, show Air Force One runs a cost of $ 206,377 per hour to operate. Obama's trips to and from Miami to deliver his speech in the Florida Everglades totaled 4.2 hours, costing taxpayers $ 866,615.40. Additionally, Air Force One used 9,180 gallons of jet fuel.

During Obama's Earth Day speech, he assailed Republicans on global warming.

That 9,180 gallons was just Air Force One’s fuel burn. Then there was a 20-minute Marine One helicopter ride to and from the Everglades, and of course the fuel for the motorcade — unless all these vehicles ran on algae and unicorn droppings:

Factor in all the other expenses as well as local law enforcement costs and the price tag was probably well over $ 1 million. Hypocrisy is getting more expensive because of climate change.

Obama and Nye should have just set fire to a five-story-high pile of truck tires on the south lawn of the White House and blamed Republicans for it — the environment and taxpayers would have come out ahead.

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

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