Fox Business has a disturbing report about how federal labor unions are working hard to fight for slackers – and winning. Not only are some of these federal workers slackers, they put people’s lives in danger, yet they still get to keep their jobs and benefits. Even worse, they are trying to unionize the government watchdogs who oversee their workers. Good grief. What next?
For example, federal labor unions are winning fights against federal agencies who try to fire their union workers for letting mentally ill military veterans walk out the door of psychiatric units in Veterans Affairs hospitals, or for not catching things like a major rat infestation in a food factory. Instead, union lawyers are getting their members' jobs, back-pay, and benefits reinstated, all at taxpayer expense.
Federal unions have also battled Defense Dept. agencies that, for example, try to suspend a daycare worker for letting a toddler wander off a military base down the sidewalk toward traffic.
At the same time, federal worker unions have been fighting to unionize federal inspector generals' offices, the watchdogs who catch waste, fraud and abuse committed by federal workers at agencies like the IRS, the Dept. of Homeland Security, the Dept. of Transportation, or the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
In the second part of our series, we'll show you how federal unions are fighting to let their members work full-time from home on union business, and not on their work for the government, at places like the VA.
We'll show you, too, how federal teleworking is on the rise, thanks to the Obama Administration, where a growing number of government workers are working from home, even from their couches. This, as workers at the U.S. Patent Office were found to be surfing on Facebook, shopping online, running errands or doing the laundry, while ostensibly working from home.
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