The following is a guest post by Rod Eccles.
Why Liberals Make Me Want To Hit Myself With A Sledgehammer
By Rod Eccles
I often ask myself, when are the American people going to wake up? Seriously. It's getting very frustrating dealing with people who not understand the basic concept of Freedom.
Of course there is the school of thought that you have the freedom to give up your freedom. But why would you do such a thing? Sure, you can blame former President George W. Bush for the Patriot Act but then why would you not only vote for but give undying support for others who tell you to your face they will take away your freedom and limit your choice? Does anyone stop and actually think any more? Do you really understand the meaning of hypocrisy?
I run into people all the time who are aghast that I do not support Barack Obama. When I ask them to tell me why they support him so blindly, they cannot give me a non-soundbite reason. When I ask why they would support with unwavering admiration and love the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, again I get the deer in the headlights look. What I get all too often is he will change or she will change things in Washington. Well let me ask you if Obama was the change you sought, then how is it Hillary needs to bring even more change?
Now we see many folks that once supported the notion of mandatory government health care, not support it and indeed, want it repealed. Yet, Hillary would double down on government health care. In fact the state she once represented as a Senator recently passed a bill in one of their houses about single payer government health care. I ask these same supporters if they like being taxed. The answer is always no they do not. I ask if they think they pay too much in taxes. Most reply with a resounding yes. But they claim it's only because the rich do not pay their fair share. So I point out how much the rich do pay and they don't believe it. So I tell them to look up the government numbers themselves. They often tell me they don't have to do so because they know for a fact that the rich don't pay enough. So then of course I ask what exactly is rich. How much do you have to earn to be rich? Who decides who is rich and who is not? I never get the s ame answer. How can you tax the rich, I ask, if you cannot even define who the rich are? I had one person tell me "oh the rich know who they are." My goodness, I think I need to smash it with a hammer.
I hear the left talk about how the war in Iraq was illegal and we needed to get out. Now that we got out, we are leaving them in the hands of terrorists who are winning the battle and killing innocent women and children. We are told by the left that people deserve to live in peace and harmony. But I tell them that the people of Iraq are not living in peace and harmony and in fact are being slaughtered daily by those who just don't like their kind of religion. Should we not step in and bring balance and order to a country that wants only to live in peace? No, they respond. It is none of our business what they do over there. But the people of Iraq want peace, do they not? Of course but it's our fault they don't have peace the left tells me. So it's our fault if we invade and it's our fault if we do not invade? Yes they respond. I need a large hammer.
So I try to wrap this up succinctly. You wanted change that Obama promised but didn't get. You wanted lower taxes but didn't get them. You wanted government to allow you to do things you want to your body but you want government to tell others what they can and cannot do with their body. You didn't want the Patriot Act under G.W. Bush but it was increased and expanded under Obama. You think that Republicans lie and cheat yet Hillary has admitted to breaking the law. And yet you still support Obama and Hillary? Yes, they say. Why? I ask. Because they are so smart. Because they are so open and transparent. Because they want to bring change. I even had one liberal tell me that the problem with Republicans is that they want to protect the Constitution too much and what we need is modern, smart government.
Oh like what we have now? Well, yes sort of, was the reply. Because we need more smart people like Obama and Clinton in office who are open and honest and let us see everything they are doing.
I blink. I need a sledge hammer. Are we really this stupid on a collective, national basis? I think a well-placed whack with an 8lb sledge hammer will put me out of my misery.
Good morning, hope you are well today. Here is an updated copy of Mr. Eccles Bio for you to post after each article. If it is to long then please use this:
Rod Eccles is the host of the Nationally Syndicated Radio Show The Rod Eccles Show and he believes in God, Family, Country, and the right to the pursuit of happiness. Rod believes in the Constitution of the United States of America and that the Founding Fathers were on the right track when they created and established our nation. Rod is also a successful Entrepreneur, Writer, and Speaker. You can listen to Rod LIVE on Vigilant Liberty Radio, Monday- Friday from 7-9 PM EST.
You can also visit Rod’s website at where you will find a wealth of information.
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