Say it ain’t so. Big Government has been directly collaborating with militant “gay rights” thugs to put the screws to Christians:
The Daily Signal has exclusively learned that the government agency responsible for enforcing Oregon's anti-discrimination law appears to be working closely with a powerful gay rights advocacy group in its case against Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa.
Communications between the agency, the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, and the LGBT organization, Basic Rights Oregon, raise questions about potential bias in the state's decision to charge the Kleins with discrimination for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding.
In April, a judge for the agency recommended the Kleins be fined $ 135,000.
Communications obtained through a public records request show employees of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries—which pursued the case against the Kleins—participating in phone calls, texting, and attending meetings with Basic Rights Oregon, the largest LGBT advocacy group in the state.
You don’t need a law degree to see the conflict of interest.
[T]he Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries commissioner, who is in charge of determining the Kleins' final punishment, met with Basic Rights Oregon on multiple occasions and purchased tickets costing hundreds of dollars benefiting the advocacy group.
Students of the Third Reich know how well fascist governments work together with freelance thugs as authoritarianism congeals into tyranny. Those paying attention to the environmental activist groups that sue their friends in the EPA in order to force them into repressive action will also recognize the dynamic.
On a tip from Steve A.
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