Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Britain Limits Victims to Rape Alarms

Once Great Britain demonstrates the lunacy that results when authoritarian moonbattery is substituted for law and order:

The statement appears in the Frequently Asked Questions section of www.askthe.police.uk – a site that is operated by the Police National Legal Database. Information provided by the PNLD and its site are used by local police constabularies to help inform the public.

The question at issue asks, "Are there any legal self defence products that I can buy?" Succinctly epitomizing the sad state of natural rights in Great Britain, the first sentence states, "The only fully legal self defence product at the moment is a rape alarm."

And to add even more insult to human dignity, the statement cautions subjects against the use of nearly any other type of defense product, and reads like an appeal for victims to graciously suffer criminal violence. The answer makes clear "You must not get a product which is made or adapted to cause a person injury. Possession of such a product in public (and in private in specific circumstances) is against the law."

Okay, how about if women at least spray their rapists with dye on the off chance that police are able to hunt them down afterward?

The statement then addresses the legality of inert dye sprays that merely mark one's attacker for later identification; in contrast to self-defense sprays like mace or pepper spray that inflict pain in order to halt an attack. The site is so concerned with the well-being of violent criminals, that in the context of dye sprays, it states,"be aware that even a seemingly safe product, deliberately aimed and sprayed in someone's eyes, would become an offensive weapon because it would be used in a way that was intended to cause injury."

But presumably the dye is okay if you first provide the rapist with safety goggles.

Whether it's this detestable advice, police warning a woman not to display a knife in order to ward off intruders, warrantless firearm storage inspections, or desperate subjects being forced to defend their lives and property with cricket and baseball bats during riots, the UK government appears intent on wiping out any remaining vestiges of the traditional right to self-defense.

Each violent crime against innocent people rendered defenseless by their government is a step closer to utopia.

Yet some still cling to freedom, safety, and dignity:

On tips from DinaRehn and seaoh.


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