Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Illinois Government Shutdown Watch

Will they, or won’t they? Signs point to yes—the Illinois government will “shut down” at midnight tonight.

Republican Governor Bruce Rauner spent the majority of today touring various agencies in an effort to calm the nerves of state employees who can’t be assured of a paycheck after mid-July. Democrats in the Illinois legislature led by House Speaker Michael Madigan plan on pitching an alternate, short-term spending plan tomorrow that would fund “essential” programs for the next month; Rauner, however, has already vetoed one Democrat-drafted budget, and indicated that short-term fixes aren’t a viable funding option.

Still, Rauner is a Republican pilgrim in an unholy “blue” land, and the pressure is mounting. Will Rauner cave? It doesn’t look like it:

Asked whether the governor would support Madigan’s temporary budget, deputy chief of staff Mike Schrimpf pointed to Rauner’s statement earlier in June that “an unbalanced short-term budget with no real reforms is still a phony budget and unacceptable to the people of Illinois.”

Absent a budget deal, it’s unclear what will happen with state government at the start of business Wednesday. Employee unions have said workers will punch in; there is enough money to pay them through mid-July. Services provided by private vendors could wind down or end because there’s no guarantee there will be payment for them.

Rauner spent Tuesday morning visiting workers at state agencies, assuring them that he will do what he can to make sure they continue getting paid — the Democratic attorney general has warned his plan would be illegal. And Rauner bemoaned uncooperative Democrats who won’t go along with business and political reforms he wants adopted before discussing the budget.

Rauner insists Illinois must freeze property taxes to give homeowners a break, put restrictions on liability lawsuits and compensation for workers’ injuries to make business operations cheaper, allow for expansion and increase tax revenue. Term limits and impartial political map-drawing would keep officeholders accountable and thrifty, he says.

Madigan says the business changes would hurt middle-class workers and calls them “extreme.”

Rauner turned that term against the opposing party, saying his plans make “extreme common sense.”

“What is extreme in Illinois is our property tax burden, what is extreme is our deficit and our debt, what is extreme is our low economic growth, our low rate of job-creation and our high rate of conflicts of interest inside government,” Rauner said.

Rauner made waves in his first budget address earlier this year when he called for major spending cuts to Medicaid, higher ed, pension plans, and municipal grant programs.

So far, the impending downfall of life as Illinoisans know it hasn’t made much of a splash on social media. We’ll keep you updated as the situation progresses (or fails to progress.)


Democrats are still set to vote on their temporary spending plan Wednesday in an effort to avoid the shutdown. Rauner is expected to veto the effort.

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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26 Days Of Rock And Roll – Day 14

For those of you who don’t know what this post is about, see DAY 1 N is for: NAZARETH . NIRVANA . MOJO NIXON FULL ALBUM . NO DOUBT . TED NUGENT FULL ALBUM .
The Daley Gator

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EPA chief wants to help ‘climate deniers’ be ‘normal’

**Written by Doug Powers

She’s from the bloated, out-of-control bureaucracy and she’s here to help you:

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told an audience Tuesday gathered at a White House conference "normal people," not "climate deniers" will win the debate on global warming

McCarthy's remarks came as she was talking about the reasons why the EPA put out a report on the negative health impacts global warming will have on public health. She said the agency puts out such reports to educate the public, not answer critiques from global warming skeptics.

McCarthy then remarked how "normal people," and not skeptics would eventually win the global warming debate. Implicit in her remarks is the contention that skeptics are somehow not "normal people."

"But in any democracy, it's not them that carries the day," McCarthy said. "It is normal human beings that haven't put their stake into politics above science. It's normal human beings that want us to do the right thing, and we will if you help us."

What’s the carbon footprint of electric shock therapy? Gotta love the head of a huge government bureaucracy that’s hell-bent on self-perpetuation to scold people putting “politics above science.” Hopefully McCarthy will forgive the “abnormal” minions who don’t quite trust the “science” promoted by the same people who want us to believe that more of their glorious regulations on the trucking industry will reduce shipping costs.

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe


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No Truce With the Left

There comes a time when every conservative thinker tries to find some common ground with the left in some area. Today it’s criminal rights and the headlines have Rand Paul denouncing the racist justice system while Grover Norquist and the Koch Brothers join with the left to back their reforms. As usually happens, the conservatives or libertarians turn out to be the useful idiots of the left.

Liberals have a long history of being the left’s useful idiots. It’s only fair that libertarians get a turn.

Republicans are still trying to figure out a truce on gay marriage. They retreated to civil unions, then accepted a full defeat on gay marriage and then acted baffled when Christian bakery owners were dragged into court for refusing to participate in gay weddings. When the left insisted that gay marriage was a civil rights issue, they refused to take them as their word.

Now they’re wondering how an accommodation can be made with tranny rights. A brief look back at gay rights will show that the only possible accommodation is one in which men in dresses have a legal right to use the ladies room and every single closed female space and event. And yes, that means your business will be shut down if you object to Steve using the female locker room.

After a few skirmishes, some fundraising and angry letters, the accommodationists will find ways to accommodate that and we can look forward to conservative activists eagerly crowing about the first gay Republican presidential candidate around say, 2024, and the first Republican man in a dress in the Senate around the same time.

Of course by then it will be something else. Maybe pedophiles. Gay rights activists don’t like the analogy, but their movement and its assorted allies, particularly in Europe’s Green parties, have a long history of advocating it. The same pop culture methods that were used to sell gay rights and Bruce Jenner can easily be flipped around to sell NAMBLA.

By 2024, the Republican gay and tranny candidates will be dismissed as tokens while the media oohs and aahs over a vocal and charismatic campaigner for some other love that dare not speak its name.

And that’s the point. It has always been the point.

The left does not care about gay rights. If you doubt that, consider how many of the left’s favorite Muslim countries have gay rights. The left has recently divided its campaign passions between gay marriage and defending Iran. Iran denies the existence of gays and hangs them where it finds them.

The USSR treated homosexuality as a crime even while it was recruiting gay men as spies in the West. Cuba, the darling of the American left, hated both gays and blacks. The ACLU backed the police states of Communism. If the left supports an enemy nation, the odds are excellent that it is also a violently bigoted place that makes a KKK rally look like a hippie hangout.

To understand the left, you need to remember that it does not care about 99 percent of the things it claims to care about. Name a leftist cause and then find a Communist country that actually practiced it. Labor unions? Outlawed. Environmentalism? Chernobyl. The left fights all sorts of social and political battles not because it believes in them, but to radicalize, disrupt and take power.

The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left. Not on social issues. Not on any issues.

The left is a drunk in a bar trying to pick a fight with you. Trying to convince him that you didn’t disrespect him, put something in his beer to make him dizzy or make his feet so heavy won’t work. There’s no ‘agree to disagree’ possible here. He’s picking a fight with you because he wants a fight.

The left does not care about Bruce Jenner. It does not care about gay rights, equal pay, police brutality or even slavery. Its activists ‘care’ about those things a great deal right now, but they could easily be persuaded tomorrow to be outraged by telephone poles, shredded wheat or people in green sweaters.

They care mainly about emotional venting and exercising power over others. It’s the same phenomenon witnessed during the Salem Witch Trials, the French Revolution or any other mob scene. Except the individual elements of the mob are on social media and have a hashtag.

The outraged social justice warrior was laughing at tranny jokes a few years ago. Now he’s ready to  kill over minor verbal missteps. A few years from now he’ll be laughing at them again.

There’s a long human history to such atrocities, to mobs whipping themselves up into spasms of manufactured outrage, subsuming their own doubts, confusion and unhappiness into the ’cause’.

The cause is progress, but the real cause is the power of its enforcers to vent their unhappiness and destructive impulses on everyone else under the guise of reform.

You can’t find common ground with the left because it is an activist machine dedicated to destroy common ground, not only with the right, but even with its own allies on the left. Progress turns what was once progressive into what is reactionary. And what was reactionary into what is progressive.

These changes have the mad logic of a byzantine ideology behind them, but to the ordinary person their definition of progress seems entirely random.

A Socialist a century ago considered factories progressive instruments of the future and men in dresses a decadent reactionary behavior. Now factories are reactionary pollution machines of globalization and men in dresses are an oppressed victim group who have transcended biology with the power of their minds. 

Republicans, conservatives, libertarians and other class enemies cannot possibly ‘progress’ enough to be acceptable to the left because it identifies progress with political conformity. A tolerant and progressive Republican is a contradiction in terms.

If he were truly tolerant and progressive, he wouldn’t be a Republican.

The left will destroy the things you care about, because you care about them. It will destroy them because that gives them power over you. It will destroy them because these things stand in the way of its power. It will destroy them because a good deal of its militant activists need things to destroy and if they can’t attack you, they’ll turn on the left in a frenzy of ideologically incestuous purges.

The left’s social justice program is really a wave of these purges which force their own people to hurry up and conform to whatever the Party dictated this week. Examples are made out of laggards on social media to encourage the rest to stop thinking and start marching in line. As Orwell knew well, these shifts select for mindless ideological zombies while silencing critical thinkers.

Yesterday we were against fighting Hitler. Today we’re for it. Retroactively, we were always at war with Oceania. Retroactively, Bruce Jenner was always a woman. Retroactively, Obama was always right about Iraq, even when he appeared to be making the wrong decisions.

These changes are a test of reason. If you can reason, you fail. If you can Doublethink, you pass.

The constant shifts create their own version of future shock. They leave people baffled and uncertain. Society no longer seems to resemble what they knew, even though the real society of men and women has not really changed much, only the media’s presentation of it has. But a beaten down mass of ordinary people now imagines that the country is filled with gay men and trannies. They accept that what they thought was common sense no longer applies and that it’s someone else’s country now.

And that is the prize that the left dearly wants. Surrender.

The left’s media machine makes its madness seem cool even though behind all the agitating young things are a bunch of bitter old leftists. But the madness is a means, not an end. So is the facade of revolutionary cool to each shift.

The Futurists of Russia vowed to heave the past «overboard from the steamship of modernity». But when the Revolution came, the classics came back into the libraries and the Futurists were forced to stop driving triangles and make their art conform to the conventional structure of a totalitarian state.  The time of change had ended. Once the left was in power, the future became a lot like the past.

You can’t accommodate the left on social issues. You can’t accommodate it on fiscal issues. You can’t do it. Period.

The left exists to destroy you. It does not seek to co-exist with you. Its existence would lose all meaning. Any common ground will be used to temporarily achieve a goal before the useful idiots are kicked to the curb and denounced as bigots who are holding back progress.

The purpose of power is power. The left is not seeking to achieve a set of policy goals before kicking back and having a beer. The policy goals are means of destroying societies, nations and peoples before taking over. If you allow it a policy goal, it will ram that goal down your throat. It will implement it as abusively as it can possibly can before it moves on to the next battle.

It’s not about gay marriage. It’s not about cakes. It’s about power.

More fundamentally it’s about the difference in human nature between the people who want to be left alone and those who want power over others.

You can’t work out a truce with tyrants. You can give in or stand up to them. There’s nothing else.

Sultan Knish

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Moonbats Sign Petition To Remove George Washington Statue

If Mark Dice can do it, so can Infowars. At the University of Texas at Moscow on the Colorado (a.k.a. Austin), a faux moonbat collects signatures to take the next logical step after banning the Confederate Flag by removing statues of slave-owning Southern Founding Fathers like George Washington:

At this point it is quite likely that the Founding Fathers — within the sphere of politics, far and away the greatest men who ever lived — will become unpersons within our lifetimes for their failure to conform to current liberal dogma.

On a tip from Byron. Hat tip: D.C. Clothesline.


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MSM Awakenings: Hey, maybe problems like Greece have something to do with spending money they don’t have

**Written by Doug Powers


Some are starting to notice the problem even if they don’t seem to realize it:

That’s the most oblivious headline I’ve read since “Man drowns despite pockets full of stones.”

Captain Obvious was laid off when Obama took office, but he’s apparently received gainful employment as a writer on the New York Times’ foreign desk:

Stifling debt loads, for instance, continue to weigh on governments around the world. Greece's government has repeatedly called for relief from some of its debt obligations, and Puerto Rico's governor said on Sunday that its debt was "not payable." Both borrowers are extreme cases, but high borrowing, either by corporations or governments, is also bogging down the globally significant economies of Brazil, Turkey, Italy and China. And economists say that central banks and their whirring printing presses can do only so much to alleviate the burden.

They are the burden. Well, part of it anyway.

Greece has got President Obama working on a “solution,” which only proves that so far nobody has learned any lessons from this whatsoever.

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe


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Celebrate Fourth of July with Hannah Davis

Hey, for sure.

Via Sports Illustrated Swimsuit:


FLASHBACK: «Hanna Davis on Cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2015,» and «Hannah Davis Super Sexy Outtakes

American Power

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Greatest Hits: This is Your Grocery Store on Communism


This is Your Grocery Store on Communism- And of course, it was someone else’s fault.

After reading Robert Stacy McCain's complete dismantling of the pro-communist rantings of Jesse Myerson, I've kept my eyes peeled for other stories that show how, in the words of the late Yuri Bezmenov, "how the beautiful society of equality and social justice is in practice."  Here is one such example.  The following video shows a typical Moscow grocery store was on a typical day, in 1986.

Now, besides the scarcity, did you notice that no one seemed to smile? No friendly exchanges, no banter, no warm greetings. Just mind-numbing obedience and drudgery.
That was communism in the 80's, and will be communism where ever it is tried. It is a slow, painful death of the spirit. While all the time, the government and media tells you how great it is. It's a psychosis that is caused by the contradiction of reality and propaganda. You're in paradise, while you're in misery. You're equal-equally poor, equally oppressed, and equally unhappy. There is the practical application of social justice, while the party big wigs have the best of everything.


Conservative Hideout 2.0

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Greatest Hits: Attention Useful Idiots! I Have a Glimpse Into Your Future


Attention Useful Idiots! I Have a Glimpse Into Your FutureAll of those social justice warriors are in for a big, and terminal, surprise.

I've been seeing some repeating themes as of late.  We have the hard left calling for the revolution.  We have people on our side lamenting the fact that there are millions of Americans that have not seen Obama and the left for what they really are.  That, in spite of overwhelming evidence, we didn't win both houses of Congress by record margins.  And that Obama has any approval rating at all.   All of these snippets made me go back to one of my favorite sets of videos.

The videos were made in the 1980's and feature Yuri Bezmenov, the highest ranking KGB official to ever defect to the West.  Take a  listen to how our proud useful idiots will meet their end.  Also not the personality traits that Bezmenov attributes to them.

It's freakin' uncanny if you ask me.  This man, back in the 80's, was describing, in great detail, so many of the useful idiots that we vote for every month. And he was saying it over 20 years ago.

The Major Downside: You have to realize that some of us that have gone public will be targeted.  Just saying.

As for the people that won't wake up, there is a reason for that…

There is much more to Bezmenov's interviews.  They can be found on both YouTube and Google Video ( for longer versions).  But again, when we look at reality, and see things fall into place just as we predicted, or, even as our opponents  said they would, and people don't get it at all, there is a reason for that.  The simple answer is that they aren't supposed to get it, and they probably never will.  Until, that is, they are about to be lined up against the wall.  That is why I have not advocated a ton of outreach to the left.  They are programmed to deny reality, rendering them useful only as idiots, and temporarily at that.

I love that it so often comes right back to Cultural Marxism.


Conservative Hideout 2.0

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26 Days Of Rock And Roll – Day 15

For those of you who don’t know what this post is about, see DAY 1 O is for: OASIS . ROY ORBISON FULL ALBUM . OZZY OSBOURNE FULL ALBUM . THE OUTLAWS FULL ALBUM .
The Daley Gator

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In-Depth: 4 Harms the Court’s Marriage Ruling Will Cause

From Ryan Anderson, at the Daily Signal.

American Power

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Gone Fishin’


Okay, so I’m probably not going to be doing any fishing. But I have taken a week of vacation from work and I’ve decided to be like a normal person and actually take a week of vacation from work. Which includes blogging. Even though it’s not technically a “job,” it is time consuming and there is little reward for the time I put into it. (Which is why I don’t put as much time into it as I used to.) Anyway, I will be back some time soon and until then I will enjoy living like a normal person who isn’t attached to a computer 24-7. Have a great week and a Happy Independence Day.


The Lonely Conservative

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@MJosephSheppard → The Day The “Progressive” Fools Idol Called “Obama” Vanished


I take no pleasure in seeing the idol statue that the progressive left called “Senator Barack Obama” (the real person bearing no resemblance to the idol of course) in 2008 finally come crashing down on their collective heads.

Normally to see the foolish “progressives’ the denizens of such Blog sites as ‘Daily Kos’ and ‘Wonkette’ come a cropper would be a chance for rejoicing with a soupçon of withering sarcasm. However the regime they, and of course their enablers in the media, inflicted on the country for seven years takes the edge off any such opportunity for gloating.

Their is no need to catalog all the media distortions, willful blindness and outright fabrications thrown the McCain Palin team in their pursuit of “Obama” being elected at all costs-it has been so drearily rehashed. Further, the same media people exhibit not the slightest bit of shame for their destroying what shreds of honesty and respect their profession had as they go about trying to elect Hillary, so there is no calling them to any account they would heed.

That all these forces reign of error is, thankfully and at long last, coming to an end has been nobly and minutely covered by Kevin Williamson at National Review: “We have officially reached peak leftism.” It is an awful catalog of dreary dogmatism run wild leading to a final spasm of revengeful idiocy (e.g. “rampant campus rape” “bakers being locked up”) as he catalogs.

Hopefully this sad but required reading will serve as a cautionary tale for future generations who might be tempted by similar “Obama” like siren calls.

That the same forces who rejected Hillary for Obama now have to take up the cudgels for her is of course just another example of the ludicrous situation. But the final act in this tragedy is the Yahoo headline:

Republican-led Congress hands
Obama major win on trade

So in the near final act of this charade the person the progressives put in office (with the help of more Wall St. Money then ever before-Obama was the first Dem to get more cash from that quarter than the Republican) gets anti-labor legislation passed by the Republicans! That’ll learn the fools (which is what they are-fooled fools).

All that energy wasted, all the hopes and dreams and dreams, which is all that they were, of “we are the ones we have been waiting for” of the “waters receding and the planet healing” (it’s hard to write that last with a straight face) have come to naught.

Well not exactly naught the country has to pick up the pieces from a failed experiment in pseudo-progressivism that’s why one can’t revel in the downfall of the fools.

Mr. Sheppard is the proprietor of the blogs Point Of View and Palin4President 2016. He also writes occasionally for American Thinker and is a man of refined taste. Follow him on Twitter: @MJosephSheppard.

The Camp Of The Saints

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It’s Hot Today……………

Theo Spark

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New York Times succinctly and unwittingly sums up Greece’s problem

I’ve read a lot of long articles about Greece’s monumental financial problems, but I don’t think I’ve seen a headline so adroit at summing up the crisis and its cause than this:

"Trillions Spent, but Crises Like Greece's Persist”

Hopefully the Greeks can figure out a way to turn paradox into currency.

The Powers That Be

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Obama advising Greece on how to stave off financial ruin

**Written by Doug Powers

It’s easier to walk past Bill de Blasio while smoking a cigarette and throwing a styrofoam cup on the ground without him calling for your arrest than it is to withdraw money from a Greek bank right now, and President Obama is pitching in some advice:

President Obama and German chancellor Angela Merkel agreed that it is “critically important” for Greece to remain in the euro.

The two spoke on the phone on Sunday as the situation in Greece has grown increasingly chaotic over the last 48 hours.

In a statement, the White House said, “The leaders affirmed that their respective economic teams are carefully monitoring the situation and will remain in close touch.”

“The two leaders agreed that it was critically important to make every effort to return to a path that will allow Greece to resume reforms and growth within the euro zone.”

On Sunday, news broke that Greek banks would be closed on Monday and remain closed until at least July 5, when Greece is scheduled to hold a referendum on the latest bailout proposal from its European creditors.

Alternate headline: Suffering from liver failure, Greece calls in Jack Daniels for assistance.”

Greece should serve as the “Ghost of Progressive Policy Future” for U.S. leaders but it’s unlikely many will acknowledge the connection.

MOTUS sums it up: No country that employs 75% of its citizens in make-work government bureaucracies and produces nothing except spanakopita is going to be – to put it in modern terms – sustainable.

Joe Biden has offered Greece some useful advice:

Obviously the Greek government has already started implementing suggestions from Obama’s “road to economic recovery” playbook:

The new religious wars

If you had asked me twenty years ago to predict what the 21st century would hold in store, “religious wars” probably wouldn’t have been tops on my list.

But it should have been.

There are many forms of religious war going on. The most obvious one until now has been between radical Islam and everybody else. Yes, radical Muslims are somewhat of a minority within Islam, but they’re a huge, activist, vocal, violent, determined, and ruthless minority, and they’ve been fighting the fight for the better part of a century (centuries, that is) and have really stepped it up since their victory in Iran in 1979. During the Obama administration their threat has grown in numbers, in strength, and in barbarity.

I wrote that it’s a war “between radical Islam and everybody else.” Their war against the Jews has been going on for a long time, with Israel/Palestine as the epicenter (that war isn’t just a religious one, but it certainly is a religious one as well as a political one). The war against the Hindus also is of great antiquity. The ancient war against Christians took somewhat of a breather in Western Europe after the Siege of Vienna. In recent years, however, radical Islam’s revived war against Christians has reached a violent fever pitch.

The West could fight that war and win it, if it chose to do so. But radical Islam is aware of, and takes advantage of, another war—an internal one within Christianity that weakens the response immeasurably. Christians are divided into two camps, one of which is what for want of a better term I would call leftist Christianity (revisionist Christianity? non-traditional Christianity?), which rests on social justice warrioring, embrace of same-sex marriage and related causes, and intense devotion to third-world problems. This is the “bleeding-heart liberal” wing of Christianity, and its numbers are strong.

Traditional, or fundamentalist, or socially conservative Christianity is opposed. The recent SCOTUS decision in Obergefell on same-sex marriage pits that group against the latest trends in the law. The same is true of orthodox Jews and Muslims, of course, but somehow I doubt that the left will make them their next target—they’ll most likely begin with legal attacks on dissenting Christians because they are seen as the least truculent as well as the most numerous. Traditional Christians are weakened by the fact that their fellow-Christians have mostly abandoned them, and because there has also been a campaign for a long long time to stir up hatred against them.

I’ve seen this myself among many liberals I know. I’m not talking about leftists, who tend to hate religion in general (unless they’re members of one of the aforementioned leftist-oriented churches, or unless the religion is Islam). For decades I’ve heard casual comments about how awful fundamentalist Christians are, and this is from liberal Christians themselves, or at least liberals who were born Christian. Conservative Christians now equal hatemongers in many people’s eyes, and so whatever is done against them legally will not, I predict, ruffle many feathers.

I’m not a Christian. I’m not even especially socially conservative. But it will ruffle my feathers if it happens, and I believe it will happen.

Perilous times.

[Neo-neocon is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at neo-neocon.]

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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UP YOURS, HQ: Elderly Uber Driver Broke Company Gun Policy To Stop Choking Attack

San Francisco-based ride-sharing service Uber recently told drivers and customers they would not be allowed to be armed for their own self-defense.

A 74-year-old Uber driver in Clearwater, Florida is alive tonight because he, like virtually everyone else, ignored Uber’s  hysterical cries.

A 60-year-old man was shot in the foot Sunday night during a fight with an Uber driver, police said.

The shooting occurred in the 400 block of Mandalay Avenue when Uber driver Steven Rayow, 74, stopped to pick up passenger Marc Gregory Mermel about 10 p.m.

Mermel and Rayow began arguing and then started fighting each other, with Mermel choking the driver at one point, Clearwater police said.

Rayow, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun from his waist. As the fight continued, the gun went off, hitting Mermel’s foot. He was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa.

This appears to be what prosecutors call “imperfect self-defense,” in which the geriatric driver may have taken steps to escalate the confrontation, but didn’t start the physical force attack, and was clearly justified in using the gun to save his life.

If these early accounts are accurate, Uber driver Steven Rayow could have been seriously injured or killed if he’d followed the ride-sharing service’s new policy.

Uber needs to pull their heads out of the southern terminus of their alimentary canal, and realize that their drivers and passengers both have a basic human right to armed self defense against violent criminals.

If they can’t see the sense of that most basic human right, then I sincerely hope that the nation’s 100 million gun owners treat the company with the scorn they deserve.

The post UP YOURS, HQ: Elderly Uber Driver Broke Company Gun Policy To Stop Choking Attack appeared first on Bearing Arms.

Bearing Arms

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Forum:Is it Time To Replace The GOP? Would You Support A New Party?

Every week on Monday morning , the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum, short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture, or daily living. This week’s question: Is it Time To Replace The GOP? Would You Support A New Party?

 The Noisy Room : I am very close to that pivot shift. The tipping point for me will be the nomination for 2016. If a true conservative does not clinch the nomination due to RINO machinations, then I will swing to a Third Party, consequences be damned. There will be those who say, if you do that, Hillary Clinton is assured the ascendency. My reply to that is if someone such as Jeb Bush is nominated, Hillary Clinton or the likes of Bernie Sanders will win anyway and we have nothing to lose anymore. I truly believe if a candidate such as Ted Cruz is forced to run on a Third Party ticket, he stands an excellent chance of winning – barring voter fraud and being assassinated by the powers-that-be.

I believe a new Civil Rights movement has just been born out of this week’s Supreme Court rulings. The end of our Constitutional government is upon us with lawless rulings from the bench and the dissolution of the three branches of government into one monstrously corrupt executive behemoth. Leaders will now rise in that movement and Ted Cruz will almost certainly be one of them. He is one of the few with the stones to stand and tell it like it is. He is also a master debater and won’t be silenced. I am joining with other Constitutionalists out there such as Trevor Loudon, James Simpson, Cliff Kincaid, Wild Bill, the Black Robe Regiment and many, many others calling for civil resistance. We will not comply. A third party could very well be at the forefront of the resistance. As Daniel Greenfield of Sultan Knish penned it, be the best saboteur you can be.

The Independent Sentinel : I always said that I would wait until 2016 to give up on Republicans and I would prefer to do that. They are our only hope and they haven’t had the majority they need to overrule Barack Obama on anything except those bills that liberals like.

Oddly, when the Democrats held power, they got what they wanted and now that they don’t hold power, they get what they want. The establishment refuses to use the power of the purse. It appears that the Republican establishment is too weak-willed to fight back, think keeping their jobs is the prime objective, or maybe they are just as liberal as the Democrats.

The establishment is now punishing Conservatives who do what their constituents want over their demands. We see Mitch McConnell ripping into the Confederate flag instead of telling people that flag was a creation of the Democratic party. The list of unappealing Republican establishment responses is endless.

If they don’t cut it out and if they shove a RINO down our throats, then I will join any reasonable movement to start a third party.

JoshuaPundit: I’ve done a lot of thinking about this one, especially as I saw the reaction from all sides to this weeks’ events.

I am by no means a die hard Republican, but I am loyal to certain principles they supposedly represent. I actually hoped that after they won control of congress, we would finally see them do as they promised and uphold those principles again. But we were simply lied to.

I no longer feel it is possible to hijack or take control of the GOP. My own feeling is that this this Regime’s unprecedented NSA spying and secret data collection unearthed things certain congressmen, government figures and even perhaps a Supreme Court Justice or two desperately want hidden. After all, this president has used these tactics before, and that kind of leverage would certainly account for his aggressive attitude since the midterms. Whether it’s that or simple cowardice or avarice, it doesn’t matter.

I also no longer see waiting around until 2016 as an option. The time to organize is now, a year and a half before the elections so that cohesive principles can be agreed on, strategy plotted out and lines of communication opened.We need to act to secure the liberty of ourselves and our prosperity, rather than once again depending on the Republican Party (or the Democrats, for that matter) to do it for us.

Doing so gives us a much larger, united seat at the table. And it provides a framework for something new and badly, badly needed.

And another thing to consider…we may need that unity and that structure before 2016.  These recent decisions have quite a bit of teeth in them,  and the way they’re certain to be enforced by the Obama Administration is pretty clear, at least to me.

Laura Rambeau Lee,Right Reason : Those of us who actually care enough about our country to follow politics have come to the realization that both the Democrat and Republican Party no longer represent the American people. Unfortunately, while we grew up, went to work, raised our families, and pursued our personal version of the American Dream, the "trusted servants" we elected to protect our rights and interests were pursuing their own agendas. When we finally realized what was happening we got involved and worked very hard to get professed "conservative" Republicans elected, only to be bitterly disappointed once they took office.

We now know that no one, or very few, of our elected officials are working and looking out for our interests. The Democrat Party has been infiltrated with progressives bent on destroying everything that has made America great, in particular the middle class. The Republicans are no better, beholden to big corporations and bankers, also at the expense of the middle class. The government has become a massive wealth redistribution machine through the confiscatory theft of our hard earned wages via numerous tax and regulatory policies.

After last week's Supreme Court decisions, it has become even more apparent that activist judges allow their political leanings to color their decisions instead of considering the cases before them with strict scrutiny and interpretation of the Constitution. We are no longer a nation that follows the rule of law or respects the will of the people or state's rights.

We do need a third party and I would support one. The question is do we have enough time to turn everything around, and who would stand for us and be our voice.

Bookworm Room : To put it bluntly, I think that the Republican Party sucks eggs. It does not represent conservatives. Instead, as James Taranto long-ago said, it represents Leftists who have a slight edge on Democrats when it comes to fiscal conservativism. The GOPers are on board with every single Progressive idea — they just think that we ought to be a little more responsible about paying as we travel down The Road to Serfdom.

Having said that, I think true conservatives lack the critical mass to create a meaningful third party, especially with a pivotal election less than a year and a half away. Moreover, in this technologically driven age, the Republican Party has the infrastructure, and that’s something that can’t quickly be replicated either.

What I’d like to see is a coup without the Republican Party. Not having previously been of a revolutionary frame of mind, I’m not quite sure how to go about doing this, but I would certainly begin with fighting vigorously in the Republican primaries to destroy every RINO, starting with Boehner and McConnell.

Interestingly, an idea that has been picking up more and more traction in the comments section at my own blog is the feeling that, true to his Chicago roots, Obama has been blackmailing people like Boehner, Roberts, and McConnell. Indeed, my readers feel that the prosecution against Hastert was a little warning to all three of them to toe the Obama line with both the trade deal and the Obamacare ruling.

I have to admit that this idea, crazy though it is, seems more and more feasible lately. It certainly explains a lot of the insanity going on at the highest level of Republican governance, including Trey Gowdy’s peculiar inept and slow Benghazi investigation.

It was Sherlock Holmes who said when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Either that, or I’m getting even more crazy than the Leftists.

The Glittering Eye : In political science there’s something called “Duverger’s law”. That’s the observed tendency of all non-proportional representation, “first past the post” representative democracies to become two party systems. The implication is that any third party is strictly a temporary phenomenon–it won’t be able to stay around long enough to gain any real influence. Add to that the reality that when the electorate is closely divided between the two surviving parties a third party tends to throw elections towards the party it is least like and you’ve got a pretty substantial argument against a third party.

Forty-five years ago I read a very interesting history of the New York State Conservative Party that outlined the circumstances peculiar to New York that made its creation a sensible move and articulated the party’s role: to nudge the Republican Party, in New York at the time very much more liberal than it is now (remember John Lindsay?), in a direction more to its liking. Unless and until we go to a proportional representation system that’s the role I’d see for any third party and I think the Tea Party is filling that role pretty effectively for the Republicans.

Don Surber: Meh

Ask Marion : It is absolutely time for the GOP to go, as did the Whig party, whom they replaced!

The GOP leadership has stabbed their base, as well as the American people in general, in the back and has sold out to the ruling elite, as have the Democrats. For anyone who doubts that or does not keep up with the day to day treachery in Washington, D.C. please read: The Time For Changing Is Now. The time for change "is" now, and in order to save America and what freedoms we have left, the change must take place swiftly in the form of not a 3rd party but rather a new replacement party, nullifying the GOP.

The creation of a 3rd party while leaving the GOP in place would just weaken the ability of average Americans to fight for and win back what the Constitution gives us. A new party must replace the Republican party. It is something I have fought supporting for a long time, but the past couple of weeks have proven that we cannot wait any longer.

As Sarah Palin said when she was asked this same question. ";I do not wish to leave the Republican Party, but if they leave me…?!?"; Well their leadership seems to be leaving all of us, leaving me no choice but to support a new party to replace them!

Wolf Howling : It is time for a lot of things. One is a complete restructuring of our completely out of control courts. Two is a requirement that no regulation pass into effect until voted on by our elected representatives As to time for a third party, under normal circumstance, the answer would be a resounding yes. The Republican hierarchy are leading the way in enacting Obama’s second term agenda. Having voted Republicans into office in what was a historic wave election, they promptly rolled over and played dead. It is long past time for a third party. Our current crop of Republican congresscritters, as currently constituted, are a fifth column.

That said, we are on the knife’s edge of being so far transformed by Obama and the left, that to support a third party now would be to kiss America – the America envisioned by our Founders and written into our Constitution – goodbye forever. We need to vote for the most conservative candidate – and that appears to me to be either Ted Cruz or Carly Fiorina. We then have to hope against hope that it actually makes a difference in the direction our country is headed.

Well, there you have it.

Make sure to tune in every Monday for the Watcher's Forum. And remember, every Wednesday, the Council has its weekly contest with the members nominating two posts each, one written by themselves and one written by someone from outside the group for consideration by the whole Council. The votes are cast by the Council, and the results are posted on Friday morning.

It's a weekly magazine of some of the best stuff written in the blogosphere, and you won't want to miss it.

And don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter..'cause we're cool like that, y’know?

Nice Deb

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Greatest Hits: More on the Fate of Useful Idiots


More on the Fate of Useful IdiotsFunny thing is that out social justice warriors will never see it coming…

After republishing Yuri Bezmenov's videos, I decided to see if there were more.  I found another that expands on destablization.

Disclaimer: Conjecture follows

What sticks out for me is how very well this all compares to what is happening now.  There have been outside influences "inserted" into our society.  Whether it is Move  On, Think Regress, organized labor, the organizations formerly known as ACORN, Common Cause, ACLU, SPLC, and so on, all are designed to disrupt and destroy  our Republic.  These organizations  are causing disorder, and are simply making our free society increasingly impossible to function.  Any of the organizations might create, invent, or otherwise exploit class differences, attack our culture and values, smear people that resist or expose them, cause businesses, systems, or communities to fail…the list goes on and on.  And then, as Bezmenov points out, the accumulated damage caused by these efforts brings the nation to crisis.  We are rapidly approaching that point.

Additionally, our government is actively pursuing these same ends.  From the Department of Education, to the EPA, our own government is engaging in endless "Cloward-Piven" strategies.    While, on the surface, they are trying to "nudge" us into what they have deemed to be the "correct" way to live, can we also say they these strategies are also pushing us into crisis?  And if it is crisis that they seek, is not more power the end-goal?  Is not a result that more and more people are now dependent on government?  As the video points out, how many people are asking for more government to "solve" the problems that government caused in the fist place?

Where the video does show it's age is in the idea of "sleepers."  Obviously, since the Soviet Union is no more, there are no more sleepers.  However, there is no longer a need for these, as the Marxists/fascists/"progressives" operate in the open, and are self perpetuating.  From many public school teachers, to the Marxist professor, to the talking heads on MSNBC, to a host of actors, producers, pundits, and community organizers, there results a massive propaganda/indoctrination machine for producing more useful idiots.  And, the beauty of it is that the useful idiots are blissfully unaware that they are being used.  Unfortunately for them, as Bezmenov points out, they will never catch on until they're being put up against a wall, if they even earn the courtesy of that.


Conservative Hideout 2.0

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Real shocker! Hillary Clinton edited emails that were turned over to the State Dept

**Written by Doug Powers

The setup: Last month Hillary Clinton said “I want those emails out” ASAP.

The punchline:

Hillary Clinton withheld Benghazi-related emails from the State Department that detailed her knowledge of the scramble for oil contracts in Libya and the shortcomings of the NATO-led military intervention for which she advocated.

Clinton removed specific portions of other emails she sent to State, suggesting the messages were screened closely enough to determine which paragraphs were unfit to be seen by the public.

For example, one email Clinton kept from the State Department indicates Libyan leaders were “well aware” of which “major oil companies and international banks” supported them during the rebellion, information they would “factor into decisions” about about who would be given access to the country’s rich oil reserves.

The email, which Clinton subsequently scrubbed from her server, indicated Clinton was aware that involvement in the controversial conflict could have a significant financial benefit to firms that were friendly to the Libyan rebels.

When Hillary said she “wants the emails out” she obviously meant thrown out.

And this will really stun you — but probably not. Hillary’s claim that long time Clintonista slimeball Sidney Blumenthal’s emails were unsolicited was another total lie:

Hillary Rodham Clinton told reporters last month that the memos about Libya she received while secretary of state from Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime adviser whom the Obama administration had barred her from hiring, had been "unsolicited."

But according to officials briefed on the matter, email records that Mrs. Clinton apparently failed to turn over to the State Department last fall show that she repeatedly encouraged Mr. Blumenthal to "keep 'em coming," as she said in an August 2012 reply to a memo from him, which she called "another keeper."

And yet Hillary remains a media darling and the Dem front-runner.

**Written by Doug Powers

Twitter @ThePowersThatBe


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Girls With Guns

There Are More Sexy Girls With Guns HERE
Super Deluxe Girls With Guns Collection #2 HERE
90 Miles From Tyranny

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