Thanks to Obama’s anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric, black criminals feel emboldened and are flexing their muscles. Cops are under attack and horrendous violence is breaking out all over.
As Investors Business Daily put it, we are witnessing an “Obama crime wave.”
Law enforcement expects to see an escalation in criminal activity over the summer. Already we’ve seen a disturbing trend in May, including:
• The deadliest month Baltimore has seen in more than 15 years, with almost 30 shootings and nine deaths just over the holiday weekend. That makes well over 100 murders this year, compared with 71 at this time last year, the fastest the city has reached 100 homicides since 2007.
• Any time Baltimore officers respond to calls on the city’s west side, scene of the Freddie Gray riots, as many as 50 people threaten them, Police Chief Anthony Batts says. “We have to send out multiple units just to do basic police work,” he said. “It makes it very difficult to follow up on violence that takes place there.”
Sheriff Mike Lewis from Wicomico County, Maryland was on Hannity to give his perspective on what is happening in his state – particularly in Baltimore. He didn’t hold back.
“In the Baltimore City Police Department, the officers particularly on the street have been eviscerated, they’ve been disemboweled – their guts removed – to have the courage to go out there and do this job. They’re very fearful if they go out there and be proactive – which we all should be doing in law enforcement, today. We can’t afford to be re-active – especially in urban areas.
Those officers are no longer being proactive and as you see, the violence has surged. We’ve had 36 homicides in the last 27 days alone in Baltimore City. This is absolutely unacceptable, and I hope this is a shot fired across the bow of Mayors and urban leaders across this country. Once you disembowel your law enforcement officers, you can no longer expect them to go out and protect you and protect your communities. This is very troubling – the worst I’ve ever seen in 31 years of law enforcement.”
Lewis pointed out that Obama was “very quick to weigh in on Trayvon Martin” and the other black shooting “victims” but he has had nothing to say about the rampant violence that plagues black communities all across the country.
“He’s not used any of his presidential influence or power to stop the violence that’s occurring in Baltimore City, in Chicago…” etc..the Sheriff noted.
He’s absolutely correct. In fact, it’s been the opposite – Obama’s used his presidential influence to deepen divides and rub raw resentments (a la Alinsky.)
Hannity took the opportunity to play the same infuriating clip he aired last night of Obama making one disgusting, race-baiting quip after another from the past six years.
“WOW…. Sean, he’s impacted it tremendously”, Lewis said in reaction. “The racial disparities have grown exponentially under the Obama administration, under Eric Holder’s leadership – we have seen this grow rapidly over the last several years. Race relations were the best I’d ever seen eight or ten years ago. They have eroded tremendously under Obama and Eric Holder – it’s the worst I’d ever seen.”
Hannity had a panel on next to discuss the crime wave, but I want to focus on Sheriff Lewis’s comments because I think he hit on something maybe a lot of people are feeling.
I’ve been wondering for awhile if I was just badly mistaken about race relations pre – Obama because like the Sheriff, I thought it seemed pretty okay 8 to 10 years ago. It wasn’t until I saw Obama’s radical black church in Chicago, (March 2008) that my eyes were opened to the idea that something very ugly and disturbing was going on in [some] black urban communities throughout the land. It hit me that perhaps this country hadn’t progressed as far as I had hoped these past few decades. It seemed that long expired racial grievances were still festering in many communities.
I concluded that I had been naive – that there indeed was a lot of simmering rage underneath the surface, (fed by decades of destructive liberal policies) just waiting to be brought out.
And this of course, is where the Community Organizer comes in. Obama’s been an expert in bringing it all out. Why? Is he trying to spark some kind of revolution of the underclass? I don’t know. I’ll leave it to others to figure out why he’s doing it. All I know is he’s doing it.
Pre – Obama, it looked to me like America had broken down racial barriers and almost achieved that ideal of a “post racial society.” Apparently, the sheriff – who is in a pretty decent position to know – was feeling the same way.
Ironically, Obama was sold in 2008 as a “post racial president.” Remember that? But au contraire – this National Disgrace of a president has made sure through his rhetoric and his actions – that those racial barriers were built right back up, and any barriers that were still standing, he made stronger. And always, always – he rubbed raw the resentments of the people. It will take decades to undo the damage he’s done on this one issue alone.
Of the parade of horribles this president will leave behind when he finally, thankfully, mercifully leaves office in January of 2017 – his most shameful legacy will be his destruction of race relations in this country. Because more than anything else – it’s the one thing on which our first black president could have had the most positive impact.
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