Tweet Of The Day: Jihad Is Result Of Evil American Colonialism…Oh Wait…A Brief History Of Radical Islamic Jihad: Don took us on a tour of history, and it wasn’t pretty, or PC.
Tweet of the Day!!
Like Ricky said, there's some 'splainin' to do!
Here are the above mentioned battles/wars listed with a brief history of each:
- Tours 732 a.d.
- After the Jihad had trampled Spain in 711 C.E., the Muslim chieftain Emir Musa's dream was to invade further by marching across the Pyrenees ranges into France and meet the Muslims marauding from the east through Byzantium, so that Islam could surround the Mediterranean Sea which would then become a Muslim Lake.
- But Musa also secretly harbored ambitions to be an Emir of Europe independent of the Caliph for which he embezzled a disproportionate part of the ill gotten wealth from the looting during the Spanish campaign. This raised the Caliph's suspicions about Musa. So Emir Musa was banished by the Caliph and he could not fulfill his aggressive dream. Consequently, the Muslim aggression against France was taken up by another Jihadi marauder named Abd-ur-Rahman.
- Today, we might not realize the significance of the victory of the Franks (Ferrenghis – as the Muslims called them) over the Arabs, a few miles south of Paris in 732. Had it not been for this victory, the whole of Europe might have been Muslim today, and the history of Europe and perhaps that of the entire world would have been far more bloodied and darker as is that of the Middle East today.
- Kosovo 1389 a.d.
- In their effort to Islamize Europe, the Muslims repeatedly attacked the Byzantine empire, but they had been checkmated at Constantinople by the Byzantines for Eight Hundred years, from their very first siege of the city in 674 and repeated attacks that continued throughout the next eight hundred years. Constantinople stood like a sheet anchor, refusing to succumb to the Jihad, defying the Arabs.After the eleventh century, the Turks emerged as the vanguard of the bloodied march of the Jihad. In their zeal as new converts to the blood-seeking, violent creed of Islam, they attacked the Byzantine empire at Manzikert in Eastern Anatolia in 1071.
- The defeat suffered by the Slavic (Serbian) army at Kosovo Polje in 1389 smoothened the way for the Ottoman Jihad towards Hungary and Croatia – the targets of their future campaigns and military expeditions. But thanks to personal courage and decisiveness of Ivan Morovic, the Croat Viceroy of Macva, this attack was repulsed; however, the whole region became deserted and the frightened Croat population evacuated from their settlements.
- Constantinople 1453 a.d.
- After the Turks had softened the Balkans with these attacks, the Jihadis turned their attention to their main prize quarry, the Byzantine capital city of Constantinople, which they had been unable to take from the Asian side. Now with their foothold in Europe, led by Ottoman chieftain Sultan Mehmed II they attacked the city from the European side and finally after eight hundred years of coveting it, the Jihadis stormed it on an unfortunate Tuesday in the year 1453.
- Vienna 1527 a.d. (aka The Battle of the Mohacs and lasted from 1527 – 1529)
- Prior to the battle of Vienna in 1527, Muslims occupied and ruled Sicily. Here are their rules for the Christians they defeated:
- The inhabitants of the Sicilian cities that had surrendered without fighting could keep on practicing the Christian religion but:
– they had to bring identification marks on their suits and on their houses;
– they had to pay more taxes (Jaziya);
– they could not occupy positions that entailed authority over the Muslims;
– they could not marry a Muslim (but a Muslim could marry a Christian);
– they could not build new churches;
– they could not ring Church bells;
– they could not organize processions;
– they could not read the Bible within the earshot of a Muslim;
– they could not drink wine;
– they had to get up when a Muslim entered the room;
– they had to let the Muslims pass first in the public road;
– they could not bear weapons;
– they could not ride horses;
– they could not saddle their mules;
– they could not build great houses as those of the Mus lims.
The Christian women could not have access to the baths.
- The inhabitants of the Sicilian cities that had surrendered without fighting could keep on practicing the Christian religion but:
- The Battle of Mohacs opened with the refusal of the Hungarian king to accept Islam and surrender his land and self-respect to the Jihadi wolves. The earlier lessons of the experience which the Bulgars, Romanians, Croats and Serbs had had at the ruthless and cruel hands of the Jihadis was not entirely lost on the Hungarians. But Eastern Europe took a long time to realize the only successful way of defeating the Jihadis forever was to outmatch them in their bestiality, with the determination and ruthlessness of a hunter pitted against a wild beast.
- In the spring of 1529, Suleiman mustered a great army in Ottoman Bulgaria, with the aim of securing control over all of Hungary and reducing the threat posed at his new borders by Ferdinand I and the Holy Roman Empire. Estimates of Suleiman's army vary widely from 120,000 to more than 300,000 men mentioned by various chroniclers. There is some tendency by later, 18th-century European historians to exaggerate these figures to overstate the bravery of the outnumbered defenders of Vienna.
- The Ottoman army which arrived in late September had been somewhat depleted during the long advance into Austrian territory, leaving Suleiman short of camels and heavy artillery. Many of his troops arrived at Vienna in a poor state of health after the tribulations of a long march through the thick of the European wet season and of those fit to fight, a third were light cavalry, or Sipahis, ill-suited for siege warfare. Three richly-dressed Austrian prisoners were dispatched as emissaries by the Sultan to negotiate the city's surrender; Salm sent three richly-dressed Muslims back without a response.
- Suleiman was facing critical shortages of supplies such as food and water, while casualties, sickness, and desertions began taking a toll on his army's ranks. The janissaries began voicing their displeasure at the progression of events, demanding a decision on whether to remain or abandon the siege. The Sultan convened an official council on 12 October to deliberate the matter. It was decided to attempt one final, major assault on Vienna, an "all or nothing" gamble. Extra rewards were offered to the troops. However, this assault was also beaten back as, once again, the arquebuses and long pikes of the defenders prevailed. (Source – Reston, James Jr, Defenders of the Faith: Charles V, Suleyman the Magnificent, and the Battle for Europe, 1520–1536)
- Prior to the battle of Vienna in 1527, Muslims occupied and ruled Sicily. Here are their rules for the Christians they defeated:
- Vienna 1683 a.d.
- Three hundred years ago, in the summer of 1683, the main army of the Ottoman Empire, a large and well-equipped force, besieged Vienna. The town was nearing the end of its ability to resist: but just as the capture of Vienna was becoming only a matter of time – not more than a week away, at most – an army came to its rescue. On September 12th, in an open battle before Vienna, the Ottoman army was defeated, and the city escaped pillage and destruction. (Source)
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