The Associated Press actually managed to report that the Affordable Care Act isn’t “affordable” and doesn’t even have much “care” without calling out the Dems who voted for it who now want to lead the charge to “fix” the law (read: throw a ton more money at it).
Rep. McDermott, who voted to pass the ACA, even admits that it’s deceptive:
After paying premiums, many low- and middle-income patients still face high costs when trying to use their coverage. There’s growing concern that the value of a health insurance card is being eaten away by rising deductibles, the amount of actual medical costs that patients pay each year before coverage kicks in.
“I think it’s going to be the next big problem,” said Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., a congressional leader on health care.
“We’ve got some 17 million more people covered … but they can’t access the care they seem to be entitled to,” McDermott said. “It costs too much to use the care. That’s the deceptive part about it.”
Since virtually all U.S. residents are now required to have health insurance by President Barack Obama’s health care law, McDermott said Democrats have a responsibility to make sure coverage translates to meaningful benefits.
Short version: The Obamacare law doesn’t do any of what it was ostensibly supposed to do, so now we’ll have to throw another trillion dollars at it to make the law “work.” And by all means, let’s allow those who deceived us once to spend billions more to deceive us again (those paying attention weren’t deceived the first time but were unfortunately outnumbered by morons).
If this isn’t the best argument for full repeal, nothing is. Too bad the Associated Press reported it all with a straight face without pointing out the Jupiter-sized irony of it all.
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