Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was on the O’Reilly Factor, Tuesday night to talk about Obama’s latest bland and stupid mutterings on ISIS (or ISIL as he insists on calling them.)
“No amount of military force will end the terror that is ISIL,” Obama lectured, frequently looking down at his notes because TOTUS was apparently in the shop.
“He’s right about one thing,” Peters said after listening to the clip. “There are underlying problems which, as you pointed out, we can’t fix. And the underlying problems are the collapse of the civilization. We can’t do anything about that. What we can do – is go after our enemies. He knows how many foreign fighters are flocking to their standards.
Peters noted that Obama gets high level briefings – ‘”above top secret” – every day.
“He knows how serious Islamic State is. He knows how deep the caliphate’s roots are going. He knows how many sympathizers there are. But he’s got a problem – it’s cognitive dissonance – he knows there’s a problem – but he can’t bring himself to accept that there’s only a military solution and we have two thousand years of evidence of religious insurgencies in every major religion. None has been put down with empathy, aid, and negotiations. You can’t negotiate with cobras.”
Worrying that ISIS could take very well take Damascus, Peters said, “the military can’t be a Pollyanna like Obama is. You’ve got to prepare for the worst thing that could conceivably happen…”
“The American people are willing to vote for a Pollyanna, these days, Ralph,” O’Reilly interrupted.
And he’s right. We get the leaders we deserve, and though it’s hard to conceive of anybody worse than Obama – the American voter will likely continue their appalling lack of common sense, decency and judgement in 2016.
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