Monday, July 13, 2015

Networks Ignore Obama’s Plans For The Suburbs

President Obama wants to change the racial makeup of America’s suburban neighborhoods. He thinks he knows better where people should live than they do. Not that you would know this by watching the news on TV. It seems the networks have decided this isn’t newsworthy.

The Big Three news networks all punted on covering one of the Obama regime’s most radical policies: new rules forcing cities to redraw the racial makeup of suburban neighborhoods. Why the hush-up? Politics.

ABC, CBS and NBC refused to cover the administration’s official unveiling of a policy as ambitious and politically radioactive as its socialized medicine scheme.

Under sweeping new regulations finalized last week, more than 1,250 municipalities across the country now must diversify neighborhoods through rezoning or risk losing billions in federal funding from the Housing and Urban Development Department.

Besides the fact that legal scholars view the federal mandate — whose goal is racially balancing the nation, ZIP code by ZIP code — as patently unconstitutional, it also threatens to import violent crime into the suburbs while lowering property values and negatively impacting local schools.

As kitchen table issues go, this is huge; yet the evening news didn’t see it that way. In fact, newscasts completely blacked out the issue after HUD released the rule last week.

Read the whole thing. The media seems intent on keeping Americans in the dark when it comes to the president’s plans for their neighborhoods. So if you like your neighborhood you might not be able to keep your neighborhood.


The Lonely Conservative

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