Courtesy of Foreign Policy, a mind-bogglingly stupid and vapid piece by a law professor at Georgetown University, former counselor to the U.S. defense undersecretary for policy from 2009 to 2011 and former senior advisor at the U.S. State Department.
Presenting…Rosa Brooks: Can Gay Marriage Defeat the Islamic State?
Yes ma’am it’s sappy all right. And stupid. And dangerous.
The idea that posting images of gays celebrating will somehow warm the cockles of the terrorists’ hearts, rather than further inflame them, is completely batshit.
Islamic Jihadists aren’t Americans. They aren’t sexual libertines. They don’t “go along to get along.”
They become even more determined to annihilate you.
Behead you, shoot you, crucify you, push you off the top of a building, hang you from a crane – etc.
As Robert Spencer noted at PJ Media:
It is much, much more likely — or certain — that the Islamic State sees the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage as evidence of the United States' decadence and societal decay, and that this will serve to embolden and encourage them.
There is another glaring fallacy in her "analysis": if the Nazis and Soviets and KKK and Pol Pot and Rwandan génocidaires ever really learned that "brutality and fear can keep people down for only so long," they didn't learn it in the manner Brooks seems to think they did.
It is hard to tell how, exactly, she thinks they learned this. By viewing photos of loving couples of any persuasion? Did a photo of an embracing couple move Adolf Hitler to call his genocidal armies back home and close the extermination camps?
Does the name “Rosa Brooks” ring a bell?
It did for me, so I did a word search on my blog, and found that in April of 2009 I created a new acronym just for her.
OMGWSS=Oh my God, we're so screwed.
Today's OMGWSS – Rosa Brooks, the Obama administration's new adviser to Michelle Flournoy, the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, "a position described as one of the most influential in the Pentagon". Read this and weep:
In 2007, she labeled al-Qaida as "little more than an obscure group of extremist thugs, well financed and intermittently lethal but relatively limited in their global and regional political pull.
Also that year, she called the surge in Iraq a "feckless plan" that is "too little too late" with "no realistic likelihood that it will lead to an enduring solution in Iraq." The surge was widely credited with helping to stabilize Iraq.
Brooks wrote Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney "should be treated like psychotics who need treatment. … Impeachment's not the solution to psychosis, no matter how flagrant."
She also penned a column about Bush entitled "Our torturer-in-chief" in which she inferred attacks against the U.S. were a result of torture policies.
"Today, the chickens are coming home to roost," she fumed, but "the word 'accountability' isn't in the White House dictionary."
Good lord…did she go to Obama's church, too?
This is the sort of left-wing moonbattery that has been running Obama’s foreign policy for six and a half years.
I fully expect the State Department to issue some #LoveWins tweets to the Islamic State. (If they haven’t already.)
Not only are we screwed – the whole world is screwed as a result of the Obama administration’s unrealistic, Utopian nonsense.
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