ALLEN WEST is CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis. Previously he served as an US Representative representing Florida’s 22nd and 18th Districts. He is a 22 year veteran of the military where he earned the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as well as a Bronze Star and a Meritorious Service Medal. He is a Fox News contributor, founder of, a columnist for and the author of the bestseller, Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin's Journey to Faith, Family and Freedom.
GUY BENSON is the Political Editor of, and a Fox News Contributor. He also writes regularly at, hosts a weekend radio program airing in Chicago and Washington, DC, and appears as a frequent guest and substitute host on the nationally syndicated Hugh Hewitt Show. His new book, written with Mary Katharine Ham, is entitled, End of Discussion: How the Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters, and Makes American Less Free and Fun.
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