In the past several years, Pinterest has become one of the most influential and popular social media websites on the Internet.
That influence has certainly gotten the attention of marketers, who are exploring new ways to use Pinterest for commercial purposes.
Pinterest is a social network that lets users share, curate, and discover visual images and videos on their own or other “pinboards.” Users can create pinboards based on their own interests or according to a common theme, such as a product niche or an area of expertise.
Pinterest members can upload images from their computers. They can also pin content they find online using the Pinterest “bookmarklet,” the “Pin It” button, or simply a URL.
As an online entrepreneur, you also can exploit the unique benefits Pinterest has to offer in order to build your list of qualified leads.
Here are seven fast and simple ways to do so.
Create Your Own High-Value Pinboard
Build your sphere of influence by creating a follower base, which is the key to your long-term sustainability. Create a pinboard related to your product niche and then include high-value content. This content should be information other Pinterest users interested in your topic will find compelling.
New followers will be able to find your pins. But unlike on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, there is no way for Pinterest users to “follow” you once they find a piece of content they like. Instead, they can follow a specific board you post. Then they will receive an automated notification anytime you post anything new on that board.
That means you can create a strategy to increase followers of multiple boards devoted to a wide variety of niches.
Use Other Channels to Promote Your Pinterest Boards
One of the fastest and easiest ways to draw attention to your niche-specific Pinterest pinboard is to promote it through multiple channels. For example, you can add the Pinterest Follow button to your website. You can also promote your presence on Pinterest on your other social media accounts, including your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ pages.
You can even write about your Pinterest pages on your blog. Then invite your readers to follow a link within your content directly to your pinboard.
Be the Best Within Your Niche
One of the best aspects of Pinterest is that you can devote your pinboards to very specific niches. This ability makes it easier to make the best boards on a specific topic.
When you strive to have the best pinboard within your specific niche, you can increase your chances of attracting your ideal followers. These people are highly-targeted users who are passionate about the types of products and services you offer. You can even create resourceful boards based on the keywords you already use in the SEO strategies you employ on other platforms.
Promote Other People’s Pinterest Pages
In most businesses, promoting the competitor is generally a bad idea. But on Pinterest, doing so can actually pay off.
Start following other Pinterest users who are devoted to your niche. Then make an effort to like and comment on their pins. When people sees you interacting with their content, they are more likely to check out your content and follow your Pinterest page.
Then you can get all the benefit of their followers each time you post something those influencers find so interesting that they re-pin it to their pages.
Use the Content You Already Have
Don’t make your first step looking around for new content or creating your own original images and videos. Instead, start by posting content you already have and have used elsewhere. There might be little to no crossover between the people who follow your Pinterest page and those who follow you on social media, read your blog, or regularly visit your web page.
Showcase your existing content on your Twitter page to attract new and unique visitors to your other platforms. That way you can get more mileage out of the time and effort you’ve already put into other marketing programs.
Host a Contest
Hold a contest in which you ask users to create pinboards on their own accounts to demonstrate what they love about your products, business, brand or services. Then ask them to send you links to their pinboards so you can award the best one a prize!
Or you can re-pin those boards to your own Pinterest page and ask your page’s followers to vote on the boards and select the winner.
Put the “Pin-It” Button Everywhere You Can
Why reinvent the wheel? Pinterest already has a perfectly fine widget that you can use—namely, the “Pin-It Button.” You can post this button on your website, blog, and anywhere else that lets you post social media sharing buttons. This makes it easy for visitors to your other accounts to share your visual content or images on their own Pinterest pages.
Pinterest offers many opportunities to expose your brand to new audiences.
The post 7 Ways Pinterest Can Help You Build Qualified Leads appeared first on Growmap.
7 Ways Pinterest Can Help You Build Qualified Leads
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