Sunday, January 8, 2017

Dividend Report: Can Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) truly back claims of $0.10 dividends by Jan 25, 2017?

Dividend Report: Can Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) truly back claims of $  0.10 dividends by Jan 25, 2017?

Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) is expected to pay $ 0.10 on Jan 25, 2017. The indicated annual dividend is $ 0.40. Shareholders owning the stock before Jan 9, 2017 will be eligible to receive the payout. Based on Winnebago Industries, Inc.’s current price of $ 32.50, the dividend is 0.31%. This dividend’s record date is Jan 11, 2017 and the announcement date is Dec 15, 2016. The stock decreased 0.76% or $ 0.25 on January 6, hitting $ 32.5. About 282,917 shares traded hands. Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) has risen 47.46% since June 3, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.99% the S&P500.

Winnebago Industries, Inc. is a manufacturer of recreation vehicles used primarily in leisure travel and outdoor recreation activities. The company has a market cap of $ 1.02 billion. The Firm designs, develops, makes and markets motorized and towable recreation products along with supporting services and products. It has a 18.19 P/E ratio. The Company’s other products manufactured by the Company consist of original equipment maker (OEM) parts, including extruded aluminum and other component products for other manufacturers and commercial vehicles.

Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment increased to 1.86 in Q3 2016. Its up 0.31, from 1.55 in 2016Q2. The ratio increased, as 14 funds sold all Winnebago Industries, Inc. shares owned while 30 reduced positions. 27 funds bought stakes while 55 increased positions. They now own 24.15 million shares or 0.66% more from 23.99 million shares in 2016Q2.
Mason Street Advisors Limited Liability Company, a Wisconsin-based fund reported 5,537 shares. Moreover, Secor Advsrs Limited Partnership has 0.14% invested in Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) for 54,945 shares. Gabelli Funds Ltd owns 60,000 shares or 0.01% of their US portfolio. Springbok Capital Ltd holds 0% or 200 shares in its portfolio. Lsv Asset holds 0.01% or 115,900 shares in its portfolio. Gsa Capital Ptnrs Llp holds 75,234 shares or 0.1% of its portfolio. Moreover, Cooke Bieler L P has 0.88% invested in Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) for 1.78 million shares. Blackrock Gp Ltd has 33,947 shares for 0% of their US portfolio. Franklin Res Incorporated last reported 0.01% of its portfolio in the stock. Moreover, Westport Resource Management Inc has 0.02% invested in Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) for 1,400 shares. Creative Planning last reported 1,140 shares in the company. Veritable Ltd Partnership, a Pennsylvania-based fund reported 8,500 shares. Teton Advisors, a New York-based fund reported 61,000 shares. Schwab Charles Investment holds 108,525 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Ubs Asset Americas reported 15,399 shares or 0% of all its holdings.

Insider Transactions: Since December 27, 2016, the stock had 2 insider buys, and 0 selling transactions for $ 132,700 net activity. 3,000 shares were bought by Fisher William C., worth $ 101,400 on Tuesday, December 27.

Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) Ratings Coverage

Out of 2 analysts covering Winnebago Industries (NYSE:WGO), 2 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means 100% are positive. Winnebago Industries has been the topic of 3 analyst reports since August 26, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The firm has “Outperform” rating by Robert W. Baird given on Monday, October 3. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, August 26 by Zacks. Sidoti initiated Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) on Friday, November 11 with “Buy” rating.

More notable recent Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) news were published by: which released: “Winnebago Industries, Inc. (WGO) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for January 09, 2017” on January 06, 2017, also with their article: “Winnebago Industries, Inc. (WGO) Releases Q1 Earnings Report” published on December 21, 2016, published: “Why Winnebago Industries, Inc. Stock Soared 24% Today” on October 03, 2016. More interesting news about Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) were released by: and their article: “Why Winnebago Industries, Inc. Stock Gained 20% in March” published on April 07, 2016 as well as‘s news article titled: “Ex-Dividend Reminder: Winnebago Industries, Campbell Soup and New York Times” with publication date: January 05, 2017.

WGO Company Profile

Winnebago Industries, Inc., incorporated on February 12, 1958, is a maker of recreation vehicles (RVs) used primarily in leisure travel and outdoor recreation activities. The Firm designs, develops, makes and markets motorized and towable recreation products along with supporting services and products. The Company’s other products manufactured by the Company consist of original equipment maker (OEM) parts, including extruded aluminum and other component products for other manufacturers and commercial vehicles. The Firm offers products under categories, which include motorhomes, towables and other manufactured products. The Firm produces all of its motorhomes in vertically integrated manufacturing facilities in Iowa and it produces all travel trailer and fifth wheel trailers in Indiana. The Firm distributes its products primarily through independent dealers throughout the United States and Canada, who then retail the products to the end consumer.

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Dividend Report: Can Winnebago Industries, Inc. (NYSE:WGO) truly back claims of $0.10 dividends by Jan 25, 2017?

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